Monday, September 30, 2019

Hong Kong Protesters Compare Chinese Communists to Nazis

Hong Kong Protesters Compare Chinese Communists to Nazishong-kong-protesters-compare-chinese-communists-to-nazis

Hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets of Hong Kong in protest against the Chinese Communist government this past weekend, with many protesters even stomping on printed images of Chinese Communist President Xi Jinping.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Democrats Have Mixed Reactions to the Biden-Ukraine Story

Democrats Have Mixed Reactions to the Biden-Ukraine Storydemocrats-have-mixed-reactions-to-the-biden-ukraine-story

The Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media must thread a needle — accuse President Trump of some sort of impeachable offense, while avoiding accusing former Vice President Joe Biden of a crime.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bernie Sanders: “I Don’t Think Billionaires Should Exist”

Bernie Sanders: “I Don’t Think Billionaires Should Exist”bernie-sanders-i-don-t-think-billionaires-should-exist

Senator Bernie Sanders is calling for a “wealth tax,” on the assets of America’s wealthiest people, complete with a “national wealth registry,” so the government will know where the wealth is when they plan to come and take it.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Britain’s Struggle to Leave the EU Demonstrates the Tenacity of Globalists

Britain’s Struggle to Leave the EU Demonstrates the Tenacity of Globalistsbritain-s-struggle-to-leave-the-eu-demonstrates-the-tenacity-of-globalists

The difficulty that sovereignty-loving Brits have in extricating themselves from the European Union should serve as a warning to Americans to avoid government-managed trade deals that will strip us of our own national sovereignty.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Warren Now Front-runner — Hold on to Your Wallets

Warren Now Front-runner — Hold on to Your Walletswarren-now-front-runner-hold-on-to-your-wallets

As Joe Biden is hitting severe bumps in the road to the Democratic Party nomination, Elizabeth Warren is emerging as a serious contender — which means the American middle-class taxpayer needs to fear increased taxes.



Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Harper’s Magazine Forum: The Problem Is the Constitution

Harper’s Magazine Forum: The Problem Is the Constitutionharper-s-magazine-forum-the-problem-is-the-constitution

The leftist mask is dropping — they hate our Constitution. Unfortunately, there are some who claim to revere the Constitution who would accomplish the same leftist goals of dumping our Constitution through a so-called Article V Constitutional Convention.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Survey Demonstrates Political Ignorance of Much of the Public

Survey Demonstrates Political Ignorance of Much of the Publicsurvey-demonstrates-political-ignorance-of-much-of-the-public

Those who want more Americans to vote, regardless of whether those voting know anything about the issues, seems to favor the goals of the Left.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Robert O’Brien, Former Bush Official, and Romney Advisor, Named National Security Advisor

Robert O’Brien, Former Bush Official, and Romney Advisor, Named National Security Advisorrobert-o-brien-former-bush-official-and-romney-advisor-named-national-security-advisor

It remains to be seen whether O'Brien will be better as national security advisor than John Bolton, but it is hard to imagine how he could be worse.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Trump Will Announce Gun Bills as Early as This Week. Is the Second Amendment Safe?

Trump Will Announce Gun Bills as Early as This Week. Is the Second Amendment Safe?trump-will-announce-bills-on-gun-violence-next-week-is-the-second-amendment-safe

With President Donald Trump expected to announce his proposals to reduce gun violence this week, supporters of the Second Amendment and its protection of the right of individual Americans to keep and bear arms are understandably wary.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Friday, September 13, 2019

O’Rourke Intends to Confiscate Guns: “Hell yes.”

O’Rourke Intends to Confiscate Guns: “Hell yes.”o-rourke-intends-to-confiscate-guns-hell-yes

The mask is coming off. They want to take guns away from law-abiding U.S. citizens.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Second Amendment Under Assault in the States

Second Amendment Under Assault in the Statessecond-amendment-under-assault-in-the-states

Don't look now, but your state legislature and governor might be coming after your guns.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Anti-religious Group Opposes Oklahoma’s Governor Speaking at Church Event

Anti-religious Group Opposes Oklahoma’s Governor Speaking at Church Eventatheist-group-opposes-oklahoma-s-governor-from-speaking-at-church-event

An anti-religious group wants to deny the governor of Oklahoma his rights as an American citizen to freely practice his religion.


Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

America Still Entangled in War in Middle East — 18 Years After 9/11

America Still Entangled in War in Middle East — 18 Years After 9/11america-still-entangled-in-war-in-middle-east-18-years-after-9-11

Today marks the 18th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 radical Islamic attacks upon America, which began America's longest war — and there's no end in sight.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Neoconservative John Bolton’s Ouster a Positive for America

Neoconservative John Bolton’s Ouster a Positive for Americaneoconservative-john-bolton-s-ouster-a-positive-for-america

John Bolton is out as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser; if Trump follows his firing of John Bolton by selecting a true non-interventionist as national security adviser, America will be better off.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Saving America With Socialism?

Saving America With Socialism?saving-america-with-socialism

“Progressives” claim that the best proof that socialism would work in this country to fix our problems with welfare, healthcare, and more is that socialism is already working here.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Democrat FEC Chair Eyes Curtailing Political Speech on the Internet

Democrat FEC Chair Eyes Curtailing Political Speech on the Internetdemocrat-fec-chair-eyes-curtailing-political-speech-on-the-internet

Federal Election Commission chairwoman Ellen Weintraub is calling for a symposium to study ways to possibly curtail political speech on the Internet.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Alternative for Germany Party Receives Most Votes Ever in Saxony and Brandenburg

Alternative for Germany Party Receives Most Votes Ever in Saxony and Brandenburgalternative-for-germany-party-receives-most-votes-ever-in-saxony-and-brandenburg

A rising tide against mass immigration and a common superstate in Europe is causing the rise of the Alternative for Germany Party and threatening the continued rule by the CDU and the Social Democrats.

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.

Trump Wants to “Do Something” on Gun Issue

Trump Wants to “Do Something” on Gun Issuetrump-wants-to-do-something-on-gun-issue

Trump wants to "do something" to curb mass shootings — when new laws fail to stop mass shootings, when will mass confiscation be the final “do something” on this issue?

Steve Byas at New American
 Steve Byas is a professor of History & Government at Randall University, in Norman, Oklahoma. For nearly four decades he has been a publishing partner of the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper. His publication is highly regarded in political circles and among the conservative base. The publication's annual Conservative Index is a scoring of each of the 149 state legislators. It has become a standard for identifying the core principles (or lack thereof) of each elected official in the legislature.
  Professor Byas is also a respected adviser to several political leaders and a recent delegate to the Republican National Convention. His commitment to Liberty and Judao-Christian principles has been an influence upon Oklahoma's Conservative movement.